Chapel Hill's PlantPure Pod Potluck

You Are What You EAT!

Join us for our Potluck w/a Purpose hosted by Naturally Complete of NC (#NCofNC), Triangle Of Light Healing Center (#TOLHC), & the Meetup Group 'Chapel Hill Plant-Based Nutrition Pod' on Sunday, October 20th at 5:00 pm EDT at 'The Big House'.

This is our monthly public PlantPure POD gathering; we change it up and show movies, offer cooking demos, free talks, and share testimonials; no matter what we always have a great time with good food, and new friends.

There is a very good chance that over the years of trying to “find a nutritional solution that will ACTUALLY work” you have been misled! Broken promises and myths in the world of nutrition have become the norm and it is not surprising that the number of people suffering from preventable health conditions is soaring.

During this experience, you will finally have the chance to debunk what you have been told so that you can look, feel, and be healthy while enjoying the process.

People From Around the World Believe These Myths

Myth 1: A Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet Is Too Expensive
Myth 2: Plants Do Not Supply “Complete” Proteins
Myth 3: Plant-Based Diets Are High in Carbs
Myth 4: Eating a Plant-Based Diet Takes Too Much Time
Myth 5: Eating a Plant-Based Diet Means You Are Hungry All the Time.

Now that you have come to recognize that everything you have been taught to date (or almost everything) is false, we would like to invite you to an experience that will lay a foundation for a life filled with the following:

- Abundance of energy
- High levels of self-esteem
- Complexion that people talk about
- Positive spirit and outlook
- The poster family of health in your community
- And someone who looks in the mirror and says, “Darn, I look good!”

It is your right, it is your duty, and it is your responsibility to BE HEALTHY!

Hosted by: "The Sisters"

Elizabeth & Deanna

What is our MOTIVATION?

We are motivated to share the TRUTH as far too many people are suffering as a result of being misled with scary consequences.

People have no energy for their children.
People are not able to pursue their hobbies.
People are taking prescription medication because of poor habits.
People are under more stress than ever before.
People are battling with self-image.
People are overweight or obese.
People are simply NOT healthy.

There is no reason you should suffer and it is definitely NOT okay to settle for mediocre health.

One way you can help is by inviting the people you care about most to our next event.

Join us on Sunday, Oct. 20th at 5:00 pm for our Potluck w/a Purpose hosted by Naturally Complete of NC (#NCofNC), Triangle Of Light Healing Center (#TOLHC), & the Meetup Group 'Chapel Hill Plant-Based Nutrition Pod' on Sunday, October 20th at 5:00 pm EDT at 'The Big House'. This is our public monthly PlantPure POD gathering; we change it up and show movies, offer cooking demos, free talks, and share testimonials. No matter what we always have a great time with good food and new friends.

This is expected to be life-changing and we cannot wait to help you take control of the stress in your life.

We Can’t Wait to See You on Sunday, October 20th at 5:00 pm EDT!

When And Where
From October 20, 2019 - 05:00 PM To 7:00 PM EDT
83 Williams Circle NC (Off Manns Chapel Road, Chatham County) Chapel Hill 27516 United States